Sunday 21 April 2013




I recall that my professor Dr. Junaid Ahmad used to say that people will always try to deceive you but naturally the question should arise that why yield to their attempts? During the partition of the subcontinent of India, thousands of Hindus emigrated from Muslim majority areas to Hindu majority areas at their own. However, the Indian government in collaboration with Maharaja Hari Singh, the last Hindu ruler of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, carried out a Muslim genocide in the third week of August 1947. Just within a week of the formation of Pakistan, India killed more than 100,000 innocent people and sent out an explicit warning to other Muslims to be prepared to die or leave Jammu all in an attempt to change the demographic composition of the region. Many Kashmiris left to save their lives and migrated all over Pakistan. The majority of them identify themselves as Pakistanis but not Kashmiris. On the other hand, Kashmiris living in India in order to pursue a career or education are treated as terrorists.

Since Indian Independence, its rulers have been inconsistent in what they say and what they do. After depriving the Sikhs from their Homeland of Punjab (Khalistan), it occupied Junagarh, Manwadar, Hyderabad, and 42,000 square miles of the state of Jammu and Kashmir generally known as Maqbooza Kashmir. The United Nations declared this region as the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir (IDA: JK) giving its citizens the right of plebiscite to choose to accede to Pakistan or India.

On one side, Indian forces were invading and on the other side its leaders kept issuing sermons to create a wedge among Muslims. On July 6, 1951, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru the then Prime minister of India said that, “People seem to forget that Kashmir is not a commodity for sale or to be bartered. It has an individual existence and its people must be the final arbiters of their future.” Accordingly, Vithal Mahadeo Tarkunde, a prominent Indian lawyer, civil rights activist and humanist stated that, “A grant of plebiscite to the people of Kashmir Valley is the obvious solution. If, as a third alternate Kashmiris becomes an Independent Democratic and Secular State, its territorial integrity should be guaranteed by India, Pakistan and the UN. That would end the hostility between India and Pakistan and Kashmir will acquire the Status of the Switzerland of Asia”.

But, the fact remains that Mr. Tarkunde, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, and his successors purposefully forgot to suggest the same solution for the Sikh Homeland of Punjab (Khalistan). To this very day, the Kashmiris remain under illegal occupation of the Indian government, and have been prevented from exercising their right of self-determination. As a result of this occupation, more than 200,000 Kashmiris of IDA: JK and 270,000 Sikhs of Khalistan have been mercilessly killed. The Muslims who choose to live in India are treated as second class citizens and in comparison to their population make a larger contribution to those that live a precarious existence below the poverty line in India. The Honourable Justice A. Qadri of the Gujarat High Court of India said, “Constitution and President” have failed to protect the lives of the Muslims citizens during the “Genocide of Muslims of Gujarat, 2002-2003”, under section A-14. The human rights organizations such as United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Right Watch, International Educational Development, International Tribunal on Kashmir and many others indicate that espionage, persecution, gross human rights violations, torture, terrorism, humiliation, dehumanization, fake encounter killings of minorities are the ‘order of the day’ in India, the largest democracy so to speak ever since its creation in August 15, 1947.

The irony of the Kashmiri nation is that some have fallen victim to this Indian propaganda and are falsely adhering to the idea that Kashmir does not fall under the scope of two nation theory. It is time for India to cease its illegal occupation unconditionally over the occupied territories which it initially invaded under the notion of maintaining law and order and let the people decide their own future.

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