Tuesday 30 July 2013




Despite making accusations of other spreading misinformation and utilizing smear campaigns/ derogatory language, Mr. Jamil Maqsood is himself nothing but an individual who is dead set on spreading propaganda. This individual is vehemently and selectively choosing only specific points in order to distort the problems of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir AKA Maqbooza Kashmir which has been under the occupation of the Indian state for over 6 decades now. The Indian state, despite claiming to be one which stands for democracy and justice for all is simultaneously running the Special Powers Act for its armed forces (SPAIAF). The SPAIAF has already received strong criticism and public outcries as it has provided its armed personnel ‘immunity’ to behave as it please and is under the law beyond punishment.

On one hand Mr. Jamil Maqsood in order to legitimize his clear attack on all those which do not coincide or concur with his specific political view points and agenda states that there are three dominant view points to the issue of Kashmir: those that support India, those that support Pakistan, and those that vie for their own sovereign state. On the other hand, Mr. Jamil Maqsood is clearly only interested in targeting all those which do not simply reiterate the same political views as him, and because he is unable to do so intellectually by arguing against the facts which they are presenting, he has clearly decided that creating white lies as to others “inappropriate conduct” or “attempted smear campaigns” falls more safely within the aptitude of his intelligence or ability to debate. Despite making arguments of others spreading misinformation and utilizing smear campaigns, I believe it would be pertinent to question Mr. Jamil at this point as to clarify as to how Gilgit Baltistan and Hunza are a part of Jammu and Kashmir and more specifically of UN Security Council Resolution of 1948? It is evident that Mr. Jamil cannot plausibly answer this because this question is directly related to statements he made and these territories are not a part of UN SC Resolution of 1948. Let it be known that we the people of Jammu and Kashmir do not need Mr. Jamill Maqsood creating disunity and division amongst our Muslim brothers and including parties to the matter which have no basis with the situation at hand as to delegitimize our cause.    

Despite accusing others of making derogatory comments, Mr. Jamill has been making unacceptable comment on well respected members of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan without any factual faults as to their individual behaviours or actions. Showing and acting out of nothing but sheer hypocrisy, he turns not only a blind eye to his own actions and statements which are not factually backed up and guided by nothing short of disarticulated emotions, but finds it necessary to pinpoint accusations of others of opposing viewpoints which have no basis and ignore all the foolish remarks which individuals of his own political opinion hold. Mr. Jamil has highlighted three different political opinions as to the Kashmir issue at hand and simultaneously asserted that “it’s my way or the highway.”

I believe that Mr. Jamil has foolishly assumed that Kashnet and Kashmir Mail are his own mouthpieces to simply serve his own political views. I am confident that this is definitely not the case as these are respectable forums in which individuals have the right to assert their own viewpoints given that they are backed up by facts and common sense. Education is of utmost importance, and it is essential to note that censorship will never lead to emancipation. I personally cannot speak as to the conduct of other individuals. I am Habib Yousafzai, and as such, I can only comment as to my own behaviours and can only be held accountable for what I have done. From what I have seen in the past, and I assert and highlight that I do not speak for anyone else but myself, however, I have seen nothing from Brigadier (Retired) Usman but staunch and unwavering support for the freedom of Maqbooza Kashmir.

Overall, I would like to assert that Kashnet and Kashmir Mail should make it clear to Mr. Jamil that his cheap tricks will not work on these forums. These are spaces for education, awareness, and emancipation and freedom for the people of Maqbooza Kashmir; not spaces where one individual can shove down his political views on others and all that do not submit to his will are removed. Mr. Jamil rather than running a smear campaign against me should educate himself as to the situation of Maqbooza Kashmir and the cause of Jammu and Kashmir in general so that in the future rather than drawing upon personal attacks he can utilize actual facts to make progressive contributions to the debate at hand.  Copy of the letter composed by Mr. Jamil Maqsood addressed to Kashnet and Kashmir Mail is pasted below.

Dear Moderator,

Kashnet and Kashmir Mail,

I hope you are well and in good health. As the Kashnet  readers and social media users in fellow Kashmiri compatriots and diaspora community as well as Kashmiri nationalist elements and other school of thoughts which consists of all opinions including state's accession to India, Pakistan and status quo knew that we the members and officer bearers of the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) are not the silent spectators in regard to the question of our state obviously Jammu & Kashmir includingGilgit Baltistan and Hunza. This has been a continues part of a smear campaign which is launched by Mr Habib Yousaf Zai on various medias including Kashnet, Kashmir Mail and also on face book. 

He called Kashmiri Nationalists morally bankrupt which is very derogatory towards Kashmiri nationalism. I have no problem if Mr Yousafzai propagate his political philosophy within the bounds of social media. But since he started hate campaign against Kashmiri nationalists and thus calling all of them morally bankrupt surely displeased me to write this complain message to you to block him from the forum or to stop him from spreading such posts which are baseless, truthless and equally distorting the historical facts regarding the question of future status of state of Jammu & Kashmir.

It would be nice to remind you that few years back we have had some Brigadier Retired Usman who resides in the United Kingdom, he was also posting such hateful material against Kashmiri nationalists on Kashnet and subsequently he was blocked and removed. 

Now it is the turn of Mr. Yousafzai to be blocked and removed from this forum. So that everyone could follow the decorum of the social media. We can also reciprocate in the same manner but since we are in a very serious stage of struggle for the unification of our state we don't indulge in such abusive conversation with the person of any ideology or background.

Simultaneously am requesting all nationalists who constantly using Kashnet  and Kashmir mail to write to the moderator about hateful posts of Yousafzai.
With kind regards,

Jamil Maqsood,

General Secretary,

United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) - Europe Zone.

On 30 Jul 2013, at 15:06, kashmir-global-network@yahoogroups.com wrote:

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